- Trezor Hardware Wallet (Official)

Trezor hardware wallets are protected against unauthorized access by a user-defined PIN up to 50 digits long. For the ultimate in access security, add a passphrase to your Trezor.


Embarking on the Journey: Setting Up Your Trezor Hardware Wallet

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital assets, securing your cryptocurrency holdings is paramount. Hardware wallets, like the Trezor, offer an additional layer of security compared to traditional software wallets. This guide will walk you through the initial setup process of your Trezor hardware wallet, helping you embark on your secure cryptocurrency journey.

1. Preparing for Setup:

Before diving into the setup process, ensure you have the following:

  • Your Trezor hardware wallet: Purchased directly from the official Trezor website ( to avoid potential counterfeits.

  • A computer with internet access: Required to download the Trezor Suite software and interact with the device.

  • The recovery seed phrase: This crucial 12 or 24-word phrase acts as the master key to your cryptocurrency holdings. Keep it safe and secure, ideally written down on a piece of paper and stored offline.

2. Navigating to

  • Open your preferred web browser and visit []. This webpage serves as the official guide for setting up your Trezor device.

3. Connecting Your Trezor:

  • Follow the on-screen instructions to connect your Trezor hardware wallet to your computer using the provided USB cable.

  • Power on your Trezor by pressing the buttons on the device according to the displayed instructions.

4. Welcome Screen and Language Selection:

  • The Trezor device will display a welcome message. Use the buttons on the device to navigate and select your preferred language.

5. Choosing Your PIN:

  • You will be prompted to create a Personal Identification Number (PIN) for your Trezor. This PIN acts as an additional layer of security, similar to a phone lock PIN. Choose a strong and unique PIN that you can easily remember.

6. Recovery Seed Phrase Confirmation:

  • This is a crucial step. The Trezor will display your recovery seed phrase word by word on the device screen. Do not enter this phrase into your computer or any other device. Instead, carefully write down each word in the correct order on the provided recovery sheet and store it securely offline. This seed phrase is essential for recovering your cryptocurrency holdings in case you lose your Trezor device.

7. Labeling Your Device (Optional):

  • You can optionally assign a label to your Trezor device for easier identification, especially if you manage multiple devices.

8. Completing the Setup:

  • Once you have confirmed your recovery seed phrase and (optionally) labeled your device, the setup process is complete. Your Trezor is now ready to be used for sending, receiving, and securely storing your cryptocurrencies.

Additional Tips:

  • Never share your recovery seed phrase with anyone. This phrase grants complete access to your cryptocurrency holdings, and compromising it could lead to significant financial loss.

  • Update your Trezor firmware regularly. This ensures you have the latest security features and bug fixes.

  • Only download the Trezor Suite software from the official Trezor website. Downloading from untrusted sources could compromise your security.

Last updated